I've always been a person that expresses gratitude. Coming from a decent life but still had to make the best of what I had; I've always learned to practice gratitude. Especially, for the simplest things. I always begin my day with prayer. Now, I will be honest. I did fall off a bit. I was raised to always give God thanks and praise, so praying wasn't foreign to me. It's just as a young adult, you get caught up in the world and all of a sudden the godly practices becomes less of a priority. My connection with the Most High was not as strong as it needed to be and that's where I went wrong. Now, I recognize how important it is to keep prayer part of my day-to-day.
Being thankful for waking up everyday, for the roof over your head, for clean water to bathe, for the food on the table, for the clothes on your back, for your job, for the sunlight, for mother earth is all to be grateful for.
Life is not easy; life might not be perfect but when you show that you're grateful for what you have; the universe blesses you in most humbling ways.
Patience is key;trust the process.